Friday, 31 December 2010

The apps are ALIVE!!!!

Slowly but surely the apps are appearing on itunes.

So far we have 3 with more on the way, you can buy them here

meanwhile heres a couple of brand new promo Ad to wet your appetite

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Water: A worthy cause

Any Creative types fancy teaming up and anteing an advert in for this also, let me know.

Holographic Prints!?!?!?

Zebra Imaging is a company that creates amazing 3D holographic prints called ZScapes, allowing viewers to view a scene in 3D without any special eyewear. The above shows a print made of downtown Seattle, with the building in the print appearing to be about 10 inches high. Over 8,000 of these futuristic prints have already been created for the US military, but what excites us more is the possibility of this being a glimpse into the future of photography. Perhaps later generations of photographers will be capturing 3D photographs and displaying their work through 3D holographic prints. We’ll be telling our grandchildren, “when I was your age, prints were in 2D!”

Monday, 13 December 2010

Mines bigger than yours!!!!

I wonder if lens size can be inversely proportionate to the size of ones manhood???

If the longer the lens the shorter the gentlemans area, then surely this is a picture of a woman carrying some lenses?

For the record I mainly use a short 50mm lens ladies ;)

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

YAY Nikonians Get it first for once!!!!1

Shoot DSLRs From a Distance Over Bluetooth, Using an iOS App

With the power of Bluetooth...comes BlueSLR! A magical Bluetooth dongle which hooks up to Nikon DSLRs for controlling from iOS devices up to 300 feet away.

Unfortunately only Nikon cams are supported at the mo, but Canon's aren't far behind.

While it'd be great if the photos could be sent wirelessly to the iOS device as soon as it's taken, for now the dongle only works from the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch to Nikon. GPS information can also be ingrained in each photo, but for many photographers it's going to be the manual control (from a distance) which will be the selling point here.

Depending on the model of Nikon owned, there's a compatible dongle—the pro models get a slightly different one, but both cost $149. On sale now from their website, shipping is free until December 10th, and the app is free now. [BlueSLR via Electronista]

Send an email to Kat Hannaford, the author of this post, at

Tuesday, 7 December 2010


Following hot on the heels of the story of Steve Jobs being stopped taking Shurikens on his private jet after a trip to the orient, this game has (Allegedly) got no ties to Steve Jobs OR Apple.

You Decide

Ninja Steve from Palito Navarro on Vimeo.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Play with White Balance In the White Snow

With all the snow around these days there have been a lot of snowy snapshots hitting the web all with the same problem.......................


Here is a video from Dom Bower showing how to add drama and interest to those otherwise dull snow shots.
By correctly and creatively colour gelling your speedlights, and playing with your cameras white balance you can create much more appealing images and stay away from the boring old snow snapshots.

Check it out and see.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

SanDisk, Sony and Nikon proposed Industry Standards for Next-Generation High-Speed Memory Card Format

Today SanDisk, Sony and Nikon “announced the joint development of a set of specifications that address the future requirements of professional photography and video markets.” Those specifications were submitted to the CompactFlash Association and the goal is to standardize the CompactFlash format. The proposed specifications target “Professional photography and High Definition (HD) video applications”:
  • Data transfer rates of up to 500 megabytes per second (using the PCI Express interface)
  • Extend the theoretical maximum capacities beyond 2 terabytes
  • Low power consumption achieved by power scaling system to extend battery life
  • Improved physical ruggedness and reliability
  • It seems that they also proposed a physical improvement to the existing CF cards: “similar in size to a CompactFlash® card, the new specifications’ access control function and highly durable form factor produce a combination of physical ruggedness and reliability that is indispensable for professional usage models”
nikon sony logo 300x214 CompactFlash is not dead and SanDisk, Sony and Nikon want to make it betterThe new specifications are clearly targeted for high-end DSLR cameras with HD video, which indicates that future Nikon pro models will continue to use CompactFlash cards. It is also interesting to see that only Sony and Nikon were part of this joint development (FYI: Canon is also a member of the CompactFlash Association).

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Wedding 101 Course Commercial.

Soon to be available on iPad and iPhone formats the Wedding 101 Class is finally ready.

Watch the commercial to see what you will learn.

The Class contains around 2hours of instruction from Seasoned Pro Photographer James Beltz.

This advert gives you an insight into how you too can learn the artform that is Wedding Event Photography in the easy to follow lessons.

Available really soon on iTunes App Store from just $14.99. Watch the Advert and leave comments below.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

In the line of duty? or just in the way?

Seasoned pro Joe Mcnally sometimes puts himself into tricky positions to get the shot.

Here we see sometimes, he even puts his life and his equipment in jeopardy for the exact same reason.

I hope the shot was worth nearly trashing that sweet lens!

Thursday, 18 November 2010

How to lose over $7000 in a fraction of a second as a photographer!

I read the story about this from and I can hear the owner of this equipment in my head saying "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" in real slow motion.

Now basically the way this happened was a Nikon D700 full frame sensor camera body and a huge expensive lens are mounted to the safety wall on a drag strip with a manfrotto superclamp.

The dragster at over 200mph loses control and rolls, scraping the side of the barrier and ripping the clamp and camera equipment from its position.

Fortunately the Camera was being remotely fired by the photographer or there may have been serious injury involved.

Watch the video and see if your heart sinks as mine did seeing the aftermath.

RIP D700 you will not be forgotten. sniff

Tuesday, 16 November 2010


All you budding Zombies out there!!!

Fancy being part of a cool image im planning?

If you do then let me know, send me a mail or message me on Facebook.

The idea is this, we meet up and get some makeup artists to make you into a zombie.
I need as many zombies as possible 20+ would be great!!!

I have a shot in mind and need a bunch of people to be the zombies and someone to be a hero / heroine. I may end up playing the hero myself , but thats not confirmed yet.

I will take the shot for my portfolio and everyone who takes part and wants a copy will get one.

I have a very specific shot in mind and not only will i need zombies but i need makeup artists also.

I will supply materials to do the makeup but i cant afford to pay anyone so this is purely voluntary on your part.

Please contact me if you want to be part of this project, if nothing else it should be a lot of fun.

Im trying to get an idea of numbers who are willing at this point so please leave contact details below if you want to be included.


i'll Drink to that!!!


The new shiny website is live for the software company I am very proud to be part of.

A software company designing and creating the best iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch software on the planet.

The Company consists of myself, James Beltz of BC Photo and my good friend and master coder Rob Wallis.

Please tell all your friends or pass us your ideas for software for the iOS platform and you too can start making money.

We aim to supply the most elegant and sleek software primarily for the photography community at first but not exclusively that iTunes has to offer.

Please show your support by rating this post as cool or funny or whatever directly below the post.

A new company is here and we plan to shake up the pond and cause a stir.

Thanks for reading

Monday, 8 November 2010

Hmmmm interesting Idea!?!?!?

Ok I saw this video on the site

It brings together two things I love dearly, Photography and Apple Products.

As a concept its certainly intriguing but in all fairness a couple of speedlights and a softbox or two would be cheaper!!!!

iPad Photoshoot from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

CaffeinePoweredFrogs ARE GO!!!

Now some of you may be aware there are a few tricks and surprises up Jimmy and my respective sleeves.

In the near future these will soon be emerging. 

We expect to see a suite of iPhone and iPad apps hitting the iTunes Store before the year is out with a further, absolutely mind blowing, Double Brewed, Triple POW application to follow shortly behind.

These Apps will change the way photographers work, practice, learn and conduct their business - potentially for ever.

If you think you have exhausted what a photography app can do for you, guess again. We aim to change the way photographers work for the digital age we are now in.

The major "Double Brewed, Triple POW  Mind Blowing App" will make you wonder how you have ever taken a single photo before without it in your arsenal.

Now, Although at this time I cannot give full details of these apps and their abilities, steps have been made this very day to bring these apps closer to launch.

We still need to Live Test, but as our approach to coding these puppies has been to always find and create the most "Elegant" of user experience possible, the leak tracking and bug fixing is well under control.

We expect for the first 8 apps (4 on iphone and a version each of those for ipad) should be out in time for Christmas this year (all going well). 

The Final App will follow shortly after but we do not yet have all the loose ends tied, but we are close, REALLY CLOSE!

So what name is behind these modern marvels you ask?

Although James Beltz and myself are involved, and a very good friend of mine called Rob, we are steering away from a Phototips or BC Photo branding.

Now we have a brand name also for these apps that really does tell you that your loveable, adorable Photography Spirit Guide of a host is behind this, but the company involved to create them is called..........

I really Think your gonna love what we have created.

Stay tuned to this blog for more info and launch details.

And the website above will inform you of the new products we are working on as we continue to expand our arsenal of product for all you lucky people out there in Internet Land!

The first "New Brand" Apps have their own website also.

The address for this will be revealed on launch, so as I said, Stay Tuned!!

Friday, 29 October 2010

Trash the dress II (The Sequel)

The PSG ROCKS THE FROCK!!!!! its official1!

Just back from his vacation - sorry - work trip to the caribbean he made an amazing podcast about the shoot, here is this weeks phototips podcast episode where he films the behind the scenes footage of the shoot and shares the results.

Want to know what a trash the dress is all about?

Wonder no longer

Watch and learn how fun these shoots are.

For any potential customers of mine, I also offer these shoots and I don't have that strange american accent ;)

Jimmy I love what you do and hopefully you don't mind me reposting this to share.

Full respect to Jimmy Beltz at BC Photo Oklahoma, the Pro that knows! AKA the PSG (Photography Spirit Guide)

This shoot looked like a lot of fun, come on, admit it, it wasn't all WORK WORK WORK! lol

Enjoy the video everyone

Tuesday, 26 October 2010


Now this looks like a sweet lens.

Nikon 200mm F2!!!!

Super Sharp, super fast and boy do I want it!!!

Now all this Nikon Goodness comes at a price, and a HEFTY price at that.

Anyone got a spare $6000 they want to give me? NO? hey and i thought you were my friend :(

Well hopefully all you lovely people out there will be buying the range of iPhone Apps soon to hit the iTunes App store. Watch this space for more info on those puppies.

Until I sell a bazillion of those I cant afford this lens, so hey, hook a brother up yeah?

Watch the awesome "Fro" man do an unbox and sniff test on this lens.

This guy is Wild, love it.........

and here are some test images on flickr from the guys that brought you the review and inbox video.

Check out

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Nikon Cameras Used in Space

OK so vie been a little off topic surrounding photography lately, (i warned you of the waffle) but today im back to photography, and my favourite brand. NIKON.

Many of you know me as a Nikon Fanboy of sorts but although I do see the benefits in other brands, my kit bag is now so full of Nikon stuff, im not likely to change.

When I see videos like this one I think im still firmly planted in the right camp.

If people like NASA trust Nikon Products, I think I can too.

Watch the video and learn how Nikon have been supporting the Space programs for many years now.

Data displaying mirror Technology

Ok Im a geek and I love my gadgets, but this is way cool.....

We are managing to fit information displays everywhere: televisions, phones, the fronts of refrigerators. It’s almost a race to identify locations around the house that are not displaying data to us so that wrong can be corrected. Well, you can cross the bathroom mirror off the list of unitasking flat surfaces.

The Cybertecture Mirror promises traditional reflectivity combined with data displays, both those keyed to personal health like weight and body mass index records, as well as general display tasks like weather, social networking, and video. The mirror is customizable with multiple user accounts maintained through a companion web site. It also comes with a sensor pad to gather the weight information mentioned earlier. And since it’s a light-generating display, it can even act as a simple self-illuminating mirror. It’s controlled through a television-style remote, or a smartphone app, your choice. The mirror/display is Internet-connected and measures 800 mm high by 500 mm wide, with a depth of 50 mm.

But all this comes at a bit of a cost. The mirror is priced at HK $60,000 or about $7,700 US. If that hasn’t scared you off, you’ll be able to pre-order one in December, with predicted availability in Summer of 2011.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Lexmark change the Rules in All-In-One Printer/scanner/copiers

Blogworld have many videos available of the stands, but as a photographer this new approach to scanning caught my eye.

Not only have they changed the form factor of the all-in-one, but most notedly the way they scan. It amazes me nobody has done this before but it is a stroke of genius.

Gone are the days of scanning in older prints and waiting 30 seconds for your result to appear on screen.

This boasts a "scan" time of less than a second.

I'll Not give away too many details but let you watch the video and see for yourselves.

Enter a Competition to win

Want to win Beta Nikon Mini and Flex units, a slot in the Beta program PLUS a Nikon D7000? Enter this contest!

Monday, 18 October 2010


No news posted yet as Im taking a day for myself and doing very little, so all my followers, join me in raising a glass and having a drink with me to celebrate!

Have a great day everyone as I intend to also

heres my birthday portrait from last year!

Friday, 15 October 2010

Gamers of the World EXCITE!!!!

Under the clearly awesome leadership of someone known only as "Fresch" as project leader, my friend Gareth Halpin as part of a team of 10 game designers have made a great new version of the cult classic "Duke Nukem".

Called "Duke Nukem Next Gen" it sports the latest in next generation graphics dragging an awesome classic game, Kicking and screaming into the 21st Century.

Please show your support to these talented individuals for a great accomplishment.

Now, when do I get to play this on my Mac then people? huh?

Watch the graphics demo below and see just how cool this will be when released.

Remember, You heard it here first!

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Wedding Photography Tips! By Andy Comber Photography

Some very successful podcast Host and pro photographers would probably at this point give you a whole bunch of tips and tricks, a check list of do's and don'ts, not me.

I think its always best to show a simple explanation as visually as possible to make the message sync in quicker.

Watch the following video and see if you can guess my one single tip?

HINT: it has just 3 words in my tip

Sunday, 10 October 2010

OK this IS photography related (sort of)

Now this was blogged some time ago by my friend James Beltz at BC Photo and but I only just got the chance to watch it. Another example of basic equipment and tools used to accomplish something amazing.

Here an HD Camera is sent to the edge of space with an iPhone being used as a GPS locator. The footage is amazing considering the equipment used.

It just goes to show you, you don't need fancy expensive equipment to make something cool.

Watch and Enjoy............

Homemade Spacecraft from Luke Geissbuhler on Vimeo.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

OK Another Non Photography Post (Sorry)

I saw this some years ago and it has allegedly since been banned.
Now im not a fan of Microsoft generally but I do have an Xbox 360 for some games.
This advert was a stroke of genius, why it was banned defies logic.

I have posted this just for a bit of fun, no hidden meaning, not clever link to photography, no relevance to anything other than I find it a great advert.

What say you all?

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Motorola now suing Apple for patent infringement

Some of you will know I am a Machead. "Once you go Mac you never go back" and all that jazz.
Its fair to say I am a computer Geek, I get that too, no really I get it!!

Recently Apple (among other large companies) has been in the firing line for law suits about copyright or patent infringements ranging from the completely probable to the downright absurd particularly in the mobile market.

Whilst looking into this latest law suit I came across the following diagram and it made me laugh but does actually make some sense in trying to explain the complex system of the legal battles infrastructure.

See what you think.....

 Now for all I know this could just be the DNA diagram of the genetic structure of a caffeine powered frog or the love child of a praying mantis and a goat, but I thought id blog it for a bit of fun to be poked where you see fit.

I may be a MacHead and a complete Apple fanboy but I can still laugh at adversity sometimes ;)

New Nikon Body Rumours Hot Up!

There are considerable speculations about an announcement for a Nikon D4 and now it seems a replacement also for the D700 - the D800.

The D4 is likely to boast a 16MP sensor and 11 FPS with a new AF system as well as HD video recording. With the possibility of a D4X having a 34MP sensor this would drastically improve the current lineup of both Pro and Prosumer bodies in the Nikon range.

More on the Rumours can be found here

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

WOW just WOW!!!

Ok now I realise that this may not mean a lot to many of you but one of my photos has been featured on Flickr EXPLORE pages. The photo features was this one........

Getting featured on Explore is notoriously tricky and Im amazed one of my photos has featured. I look on it as a prestigious event, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

I can only assume that this was due to the huge interest this has generated in a short time and I now have had my first "EXPLORED" Image.

Thank you to all who have viewed my image, added as favourite or just left comments. Your support is greatly appreciated and this has truly made my day.

I Love you all!!!!

here is a link to where it was featured

Im Stoked!! :D

Friday, 1 October 2010

Shooting A Celebs Enzo

On wednesday evening I was a very lucky individual. I was invited by a friend to a top secret location for an opportunity to shoot some images of a celebrities Personal Sportscar, Namely a Ferrari Enzo.

No I don't know if you have been as close as I have to one of these babys but it just screams "Menacing"

The engine doesn't purr along, it GROWLS. when you touch the throttle a tiny bit it yells "GET OUTTA MY WAY"

This car left me awestruck. Now im not normally a Ferrari Guy, Im more of a Lamorghini Fan myself but you cant help but drool at this thing.

Its a shame the owner was not around as I would have loved a portrait shoot with them with their car, but sadly it was not meant to be.

I Hope you like the image as much as I did shooting it


Whilst I was there I saw Numerous other really special cars. Ferrari Sagliettis, Challenge Stradales a whole range of them, not to mention maybe a dozen Bentleys also. The amount of money in that place was jaw dropping.

Although surrounded by all these wonderful cars this particular Ferrari Enzo was clearly the star of the show.

I hope I did it justice with my shots and would welcome an invite to any other Super Car manufacturers Garage or showroom or "Secret Location".

Here me Lamborghini? 

Im available!!!!!! 

Im happy to travel..........I'll even let you loan me one for a week to do a really nice review and magazine cover shoot for you?

Hey, You gotta Ask, You never know who might glance there eyes over this blog right?

Id also like to say a big thanks to Anders Hareskov for the advice and help in post.

Cheers my Crazy Dane Buddy! :)

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

A reason to Drool for the rest of us

Now as previously blogged Photokina expo was this year and now over.

For a glimpse of what was there here is a video of what it was like and some of the stands there with an awesome soundtrack too. very fitting I thought.

For those that are interested all the images and footage was captured using my dream camera a Nikon D3S.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Whats the most important bit of Kit in Your bag?

What do you think?

Your Batteries and chargers?
Your Memory Cards?
Your Favourite Lens?
Your Camera?

Or perhaps your like me, and try to think outside the box from time to time?

Below is a video of Joe Mcnally reading an excerpt from his book and I have read this book also. The book is "The Moment It Clicks".

Now in this book he reveals a story (which is read in the video) which humbled me. As I believe it did him also. Sometimes as photographers we are too obsessed with the latest gadgets and toys for our cameras when really we need to look closer at ourselves to answer the question posed in the title of this post.

Watch the video and check to see his most important piece of equipment in HIS bag, is always present in yours also, I know I will.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Warehouse Express at Photokina 2010

Here in the UK one of my favourite Photography suppliers is Warehouse Express.

At Photokina Exhibition they meet up with Lastolite to show off some new ranges in their products.

These products are mainly all for strobists using speedlightes of any brand to soften and enhance quality of light.

Some great products and listen out for the Strip light Softbox range name at the end. Bet they thought long and hard about that one! NOT! LOL

Joe Mcnally - Empire State Building

Some of you may know I am a big fan of Joe Mcnally. His work with Nikon Speedlights and CLS is just awesome. In one of his books he shows an image he took (2 in fact) at the very top of the empire state building.

On assignment, he was tasked with shooting a piece for the National Geographic about "The Power Of Light" and putting his own twist on that thought, decided to shoot the guy who's job it was to change the right light at the top of the Empire state building.

A different slant on a simple shot of changing a lightbulb I think You will agree.

The image he shot is show below

I think you will agree this is a breathtaking image. Now this was not a simple matter of pop up take a shot and back down again, and thats a wrap. Several failed attempts meant that he had to persevere until he got the shot he wanted.

You can clearly see that there is not much higher he could have got before getting this shot.

I love this shot, just awesome!

Now while he was up there he did take advantage of the opportunity and he took a self portrait to end all self portraits. Not many people get the chance to be where he was right then. Given the choice, I think Id have wanted to do the same.

The image he took is shown below.

Below is a video of the making of these image. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Thursday, 23 September 2010


Just a quick note to tell you about a friend of mine over in Denmark.

He is running a website for Danish photographers.

You can host your images, order prints and get them delivered to your door for reasonable prices.

The printer type used is shown below.

Its a Canon IPF5100. This printer allows for large poster prints and at great quality

Check out the galleries and if you see any images you like, why not buy a print?


Monday, 20 September 2010

3D Animation Showcase

Some of you may know that I have an interest in 3D animation, particularly in Lightwave 3D. Here is

This is the winner of "Best Animation" from the Star Wars Fan Film Movie Challenge, sponsored by Lucasfilm. It was shown at Celebration V in Orlando Florida in circular polarized 3D. Here it is in 3D

You need red/cyan anaglyph glasses to see this properly.


For those of you without the glasses here it is in 2D

Friday, 17 September 2010

Awesome Animation using both Canon and Nikon cameras

This guy is awesome, he needs to get snapped up soon by a big effects house. This is both about animation and photography really so a double whammy!

Watch the video clip and see what you think?

Some very good animation and camera work.


Transformers from repey815 on Vimeo.

Photokina Starts on Tuesday!

Loads of great people will be exhibiting or launching new products in Cologne Germany on Tuesday 21st September to the 26th September.

You can follow whats going on at the following link.

Check out PhotoKina

Im sending the Men in White Coats to Moore, Oklahoma RIGHT NOW!

Now as many who read this will know, I like Jimmy.

I call Jimmy a friend, he's a good friend too.

He helps me out all the time with photography techniques and even guides me in my personal life when things get tough.

Its fair to say I love the man (not in a gay way, just like a brother way).

You know sometimes you meet those friends you know you can talk about anything to, they will just listen , help you out......make it right.
These are the friends you would do anything for, right?

Well the time has come to push my friendship with Jimmy to its boundaries and maybe beyond.
Ive always said that there is a fine line between Genius and Insanity. ( For the record I've always been on the wrong side of that line)
It would appear Jimmy has crossed that line, from genius, to insanity. I shook his hand welcomed him to the club, gave him the free t-shirt and a complimentary "Anti Ear Chewing Device" for his own safety.

Sadly the time has now come that my actions need to be in the interest of the general public and their safety.

Jimmy is officially a couple of cans short of a six pack, NO WAIT! thats not fair, he possesses the full six pack but he's missing the little plastic doohickey that holds them all together.

After watching this weeks podcast I had to take action and have called the local funny farm nearest Moore, Oklahoma and requested they send one of their special jackets round to Jimmys house.
You know the ones? sleeves a little too long, does up at the back, more buckles on it than an Emo rock chick at glastonbury?

I think "loveable" no longer applies, I think "Dangerous" could be closer.

If there are any Supermarkets, Shopping Malls or whatever the hell you guys call them over there selling that evil stuff to my friend, please remove it from sale RIGHT NOW!

If you see this man......


For those of you that may stumble across this blog and do not know Jimmy or have not seen his podcast, below I will embed this weeks episode.

I think you will agree he needs some professional help!?

Well after all is said and done I hope my getting you committed does not affect our friendship Jimmy, Im doing this for the safety of everyone, including you!
Peace Out BYE!

Episode 64 - 10 Random Tips & Double Brewed Triple Pow from James Beltz on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010


Amazon have begun taking orders for the new Nikon SB-700 FLash  ($329.95) and the D7000 camera body ($1,199.95)

Awesome new kit from Nikon.

Get your orders in!

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Breaking News For Nikon Users!!!!!

Announcements any time now check out the info on Nikon Rumours

"The Really Really Random Photography Blog" - By BCphoto: Giving back...

"The Really Really Random Photography Blog" - By BCphoto: Giving back...: "Those that follow me, know that the whole podcast things is not only a way for me to give back, but it is a way for me to earn a living as w..."

Strobism at its best! (well almost lol)

These guys and girls take the strobist idea on the road, and show that you can make cool compelling images literally anywhere.

They are using high powered flashes in some cases running from a battery box, but often they are using small strobes.

The constant use of the big reflector defines the mood of their shots, soft light is always cool.

Bounce it baby!!!

Enjoy the video

Monday, 13 September 2010

What is a "Trash The Dress" AKA "Rock the Frock" Photoshoot?

I offer trash the dress shoots as one of my photo shoot packages and this often gets me asked "What on earth is that all about?"

Well here is an example of a wedding dress "Trash the Dress" aka "Rock the Frock" shoot.

This is not one of my videos, it IS however a UK photographers video.

This style of portrait shoot has recently gained popularity after taking the USA by storm.

But Why Trash the Dress?
Why? … Why not? You’ve made a commitment to your husband. He’s your one and only true love, right? Then you’ll never need the dress again. And no, your daughter won’t wear it in 20-30 years. So you have two choices:

1) Suffocate it in plastic and throw it in a closet
2) Show your husband how committed you are by trashing the dress, and get some great fun pictures while you do it!
So girls, dust off that wedding gown from the back of the closet, lets have some fun and make some amazing photos.

Contact me about this via my business website and enjoy the video

Fantasea Release underwater housing for Nikon Coolpix P7000

Read the full story at nikon rumours here

Nikon TTL pocket wizards still in testing.

It appears that Pocket wizard are still in the advanced testing stages of testing the Flex TT5 remote flash trigger system.

No release date has been posted but they are hopeful it will be out soon

Read the last update last month here

Sunday, 12 September 2010

"The Really Really Random Photography Blog" - By BCphoto: Episode 63 - SMOKIN'!!!

Tutorial Podcast by Jimmy Beltz of BC Photo

"The Really Really Random Photography Blog" - By BCphoto: Episode 63 - SMOKIN'!!!: "This week we show you how to make some really cool pics of smoke, and we do it on a shoe string budget."

Creative block!

Every now and then I hit a wall, a creative block. I cant come up with any good ideas for photos, or those I have and execute I hate the outcome. A slump, if you will.

Well some of you may know that I recently changed my camera body to a Nikon D200.

This has given me a foldaway ladder to take with me when I hit that wall, a means to escape the wall and overcome. How? By offering me more options with my settings and flash.

Yep, this is the reason I've been bangin' on about CLS and such recently. Truth is, I was trying to create things in my head that my previous camera (A Nikon D60) was just unable to do.

My creativity has been set free once more.

The ability to play with high speed flash sync and fully utilise it with TTL wireless flash has given me lots of ideas to experiment with now.So much so I have begun making a list of the shots I want to try to create so I don't forget them.

I hope to post these when I've shot them on here.

Stay tuned everyone! and Don't forget the "Follow" button on the right hand side

Pocket Wizards Range

Here is a great video demostrating the huge ranges available on pocket wizard wireless flash triggers.

The range is much higher than that of the Nikon CLS system, but they still have not released a TTL compatible version of these new small ones that work with nikons.

They are in the works, and the firmware is nearing completion, but for now, us Nikonians need to wait a little longer.

Until such time as they are finished and I can afford the HUGE price tags, I will be pushing the CLS system to breaking point with my photo projects. watch this space

Saturday, 11 September 2010

......OK, what will Nikon CLS do for me?

Well, to give a cool example of what this CLS system can be useful for I think I would be best advised to hand over to the master Nikon Lighting Guru - Joe McNally.

Joe McNally is regarded by many (including myself) as a master of the Nikon Speedlight system. Here he demonstrates how using TTL (Through The Lens) light metering on the flashes, they automatically adjust their power to the fading light in a real life assignment scenario.

Note that no cables are run from any of the flashes to the camera.

The metering is made by the camera, the information is passed to each of the flash units and they all fire at the correct power for the scene in a fraction of a second.

This is not unique to Nikon cameras and flashes by the way, Canon and all the other big names in Digital SLR cameras have this technology.

I am a Nikonian, I love the Nikon products, and in my humble opinion as an amateur strobist, Nikons CLS is just ahead of the game right now for ease of use and quality of user experience.

Enjoy the video.....

Why I LOVE Nikons CLS

I like Dom Bowers' videos, he is pretty down to earth and does some funny videos.

Ive Just begun to really understand all the intricacies of the Nikon CLS (Creative Lighting System)and this video prompted me to try some tests of my own.

Having recently gained the ability to wirelessly control all my flashes without needing an SB900 on my hot shoe on my Nikon D200, I have a series of new toys to discover.

For a demo of the range capability of this system watch Doms video below.


Friday, 10 September 2010

Sitting Fee Explained

Ok I have had a couple of emails from customers requesting clarification of my pricing. A particular point is the price of my sitting fee. Let me clarify how the whole deal works for you the client.

My standard sitting fee is currently priced at £25.00.
This price is for me to show up on the agreed time and date and shoot your pictures for up to 2hours (not 1 hour, 2!).

A deposit may be required to secure your chosen date. The deposit is £15
On the day of your shoot the remaining £10 is payable and your photos are made.

Now, heres the bit that people often don't understand........

After your first shoot is completed, any repeat bookings you make with me for further shoots you get a 25% discount on whatever my current sitting fee is at the time of booking.

This discount is valid FOR LIFE.

This discount isn't applied to your first shoot but is on any other shoots you book as an existing customer.

There is no paperwork for you to sign to get this discount, you just get your discount next time.
The only paperwork you sign is your Release and/or contract, but this is not for your discount purposes.
This same discount applies no matter what my sitting fee becomes in the future.

The more busy I become, the higher my prices may get. The higher my prices get THE MORE YOU SAVE!!!


So what are you waiting for? Head over to

and book a shoot right now via the "contact me" link.

Hope this explains my sitting fees to all who are unsure whether to book or not :)

A new blog is born!

Ok once again I feel the need to start a blog.

This time its gonna be about photography generally and other stuff thrown in too.

It may include random thoughts of not relevance to photography but thats how I roll.

I will be mentioning and sending links to my good friend Jimmy Beltz. A Pro photographer in Oklahoma, USA.

I listen to his podcast every week, I help moderate his forum and am currently working on an exciting project with him with another friend hopefully coming real soon.

I have no idea what will appear here over the coming months but I hope you will get something out of it.

Hope you enjoy the ride with me.