Wednesday, 3 November 2010

CaffeinePoweredFrogs ARE GO!!!

Now some of you may be aware there are a few tricks and surprises up Jimmy and my respective sleeves.

In the near future these will soon be emerging. 

We expect to see a suite of iPhone and iPad apps hitting the iTunes Store before the year is out with a further, absolutely mind blowing, Double Brewed, Triple POW application to follow shortly behind.

These Apps will change the way photographers work, practice, learn and conduct their business - potentially for ever.

If you think you have exhausted what a photography app can do for you, guess again. We aim to change the way photographers work for the digital age we are now in.

The major "Double Brewed, Triple POW  Mind Blowing App" will make you wonder how you have ever taken a single photo before without it in your arsenal.

Now, Although at this time I cannot give full details of these apps and their abilities, steps have been made this very day to bring these apps closer to launch.

We still need to Live Test, but as our approach to coding these puppies has been to always find and create the most "Elegant" of user experience possible, the leak tracking and bug fixing is well under control.

We expect for the first 8 apps (4 on iphone and a version each of those for ipad) should be out in time for Christmas this year (all going well). 

The Final App will follow shortly after but we do not yet have all the loose ends tied, but we are close, REALLY CLOSE!

So what name is behind these modern marvels you ask?

Although James Beltz and myself are involved, and a very good friend of mine called Rob, we are steering away from a Phototips or BC Photo branding.

Now we have a brand name also for these apps that really does tell you that your loveable, adorable Photography Spirit Guide of a host is behind this, but the company involved to create them is called..........

I really Think your gonna love what we have created.

Stay tuned to this blog for more info and launch details.

And the website above will inform you of the new products we are working on as we continue to expand our arsenal of product for all you lucky people out there in Internet Land!

The first "New Brand" Apps have their own website also.

The address for this will be revealed on launch, so as I said, Stay Tuned!!

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