Friday, 29 October 2010

Trash the dress II (The Sequel)

The PSG ROCKS THE FROCK!!!!! its official1!

Just back from his vacation - sorry - work trip to the caribbean he made an amazing podcast about the shoot, here is this weeks phototips podcast episode where he films the behind the scenes footage of the shoot and shares the results.

Want to know what a trash the dress is all about?

Wonder no longer

Watch and learn how fun these shoots are.

For any potential customers of mine, I also offer these shoots and I don't have that strange american accent ;)

Jimmy I love what you do and hopefully you don't mind me reposting this to share.

Full respect to Jimmy Beltz at BC Photo Oklahoma, the Pro that knows! AKA the PSG (Photography Spirit Guide)

This shoot looked like a lot of fun, come on, admit it, it wasn't all WORK WORK WORK! lol

Enjoy the video everyone