Friday, 17 September 2010

Im sending the Men in White Coats to Moore, Oklahoma RIGHT NOW!

Now as many who read this will know, I like Jimmy.

I call Jimmy a friend, he's a good friend too.

He helps me out all the time with photography techniques and even guides me in my personal life when things get tough.

Its fair to say I love the man (not in a gay way, just like a brother way).

You know sometimes you meet those friends you know you can talk about anything to, they will just listen , help you out......make it right.
These are the friends you would do anything for, right?

Well the time has come to push my friendship with Jimmy to its boundaries and maybe beyond.
Ive always said that there is a fine line between Genius and Insanity. ( For the record I've always been on the wrong side of that line)
It would appear Jimmy has crossed that line, from genius, to insanity. I shook his hand welcomed him to the club, gave him the free t-shirt and a complimentary "Anti Ear Chewing Device" for his own safety.

Sadly the time has now come that my actions need to be in the interest of the general public and their safety.

Jimmy is officially a couple of cans short of a six pack, NO WAIT! thats not fair, he possesses the full six pack but he's missing the little plastic doohickey that holds them all together.

After watching this weeks podcast I had to take action and have called the local funny farm nearest Moore, Oklahoma and requested they send one of their special jackets round to Jimmys house.
You know the ones? sleeves a little too long, does up at the back, more buckles on it than an Emo rock chick at glastonbury?

I think "loveable" no longer applies, I think "Dangerous" could be closer.

If there are any Supermarkets, Shopping Malls or whatever the hell you guys call them over there selling that evil stuff to my friend, please remove it from sale RIGHT NOW!

If you see this man......


For those of you that may stumble across this blog and do not know Jimmy or have not seen his podcast, below I will embed this weeks episode.

I think you will agree he needs some professional help!?

Well after all is said and done I hope my getting you committed does not affect our friendship Jimmy, Im doing this for the safety of everyone, including you!
Peace Out BYE!

Episode 64 - 10 Random Tips & Double Brewed Triple Pow from James Beltz on Vimeo.