Tuesday, 30 November 2010

SanDisk, Sony and Nikon proposed Industry Standards for Next-Generation High-Speed Memory Card Format

Today SanDisk, Sony and Nikon “announced the joint development of a set of specifications that address the future requirements of professional photography and video markets.” Those specifications were submitted to the CompactFlash Association and the goal is to standardize the CompactFlash format. The proposed specifications target “Professional photography and High Definition (HD) video applications”:
  • Data transfer rates of up to 500 megabytes per second (using the PCI Express interface)
  • Extend the theoretical maximum capacities beyond 2 terabytes
  • Low power consumption achieved by power scaling system to extend battery life
  • Improved physical ruggedness and reliability
  • It seems that they also proposed a physical improvement to the existing CF cards: “similar in size to a CompactFlash® card, the new specifications’ access control function and highly durable form factor produce a combination of physical ruggedness and reliability that is indispensable for professional usage models”
nikon sony logo 300x214 CompactFlash is not dead and SanDisk, Sony and Nikon want to make it betterThe new specifications are clearly targeted for high-end DSLR cameras with HD video, which indicates that future Nikon pro models will continue to use CompactFlash cards. It is also interesting to see that only Sony and Nikon were part of this joint development (FYI: Canon is also a member of the CompactFlash Association).

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Wedding 101 Course Commercial.

Soon to be available on iPad and iPhone formats the Wedding 101 Class is finally ready.

Watch the commercial to see what you will learn.

The Class contains around 2hours of instruction from Seasoned Pro Photographer James Beltz.

This advert gives you an insight into how you too can learn the artform that is Wedding Event Photography in the easy to follow lessons.

Available really soon on iTunes App Store from just $14.99. Watch the Advert and leave comments below.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

In the line of duty? or just in the way?

Seasoned pro Joe Mcnally sometimes puts himself into tricky positions to get the shot.

Here we see sometimes, he even puts his life and his equipment in jeopardy for the exact same reason.

I hope the shot was worth nearly trashing that sweet lens!

Thursday, 18 November 2010

How to lose over $7000 in a fraction of a second as a photographer!

I read the story about this from phototips.biz and I can hear the owner of this equipment in my head saying "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" in real slow motion.

Now basically the way this happened was a Nikon D700 full frame sensor camera body and a huge expensive lens are mounted to the safety wall on a drag strip with a manfrotto superclamp.

The dragster at over 200mph loses control and rolls, scraping the side of the barrier and ripping the clamp and camera equipment from its position.

Fortunately the Camera was being remotely fired by the photographer or there may have been serious injury involved.

Watch the video and see if your heart sinks as mine did seeing the aftermath.

RIP D700 you will not be forgotten. sniff

Tuesday, 16 November 2010


All you budding Zombies out there!!!

Fancy being part of a cool image im planning?

If you do then let me know, send me a mail or message me on Facebook.

The idea is this, we meet up and get some makeup artists to make you into a zombie.
I need as many zombies as possible 20+ would be great!!!

I have a shot in mind and need a bunch of people to be the zombies and someone to be a hero / heroine. I may end up playing the hero myself , but thats not confirmed yet.

I will take the shot for my portfolio and everyone who takes part and wants a copy will get one.

I have a very specific shot in mind and not only will i need zombies but i need makeup artists also.

I will supply materials to do the makeup but i cant afford to pay anyone so this is purely voluntary on your part.

Please contact me if you want to be part of this project, if nothing else it should be a lot of fun.

Im trying to get an idea of numbers who are willing at this point so please leave contact details below if you want to be included.


i'll Drink to that!!!


The new shiny website is live for the software company I am very proud to be part of.


A software company designing and creating the best iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch software on the planet.

The Company consists of myself, James Beltz of BC Photo and my good friend and master coder Rob Wallis.

Please tell all your friends or pass us your ideas for software for the iOS platform and you too can start making money.

We aim to supply the most elegant and sleek software primarily for the photography community at first but not exclusively that iTunes has to offer.

Please show your support by rating this post as cool or funny or whatever directly below the post.

A new company is here and we plan to shake up the pond and cause a stir.

Thanks for reading

Monday, 8 November 2010

Hmmmm interesting Idea!?!?!?

Ok I saw this video on the site Macenstein.com.

It brings together two things I love dearly, Photography and Apple Products.

As a concept its certainly intriguing but in all fairness a couple of speedlights and a softbox or two would be cheaper!!!!

iPad Photoshoot from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

CaffeinePoweredFrogs ARE GO!!!

Now some of you may be aware there are a few tricks and surprises up Jimmy and my respective sleeves.

In the near future these will soon be emerging. 

We expect to see a suite of iPhone and iPad apps hitting the iTunes Store before the year is out with a further, absolutely mind blowing, Double Brewed, Triple POW application to follow shortly behind.

These Apps will change the way photographers work, practice, learn and conduct their business - potentially for ever.

If you think you have exhausted what a photography app can do for you, guess again. We aim to change the way photographers work for the digital age we are now in.

The major "Double Brewed, Triple POW  Mind Blowing App" will make you wonder how you have ever taken a single photo before without it in your arsenal.

Now, Although at this time I cannot give full details of these apps and their abilities, steps have been made this very day to bring these apps closer to launch.

We still need to Live Test, but as our approach to coding these puppies has been to always find and create the most "Elegant" of user experience possible, the leak tracking and bug fixing is well under control.

We expect for the first 8 apps (4 on iphone and a version each of those for ipad) should be out in time for Christmas this year (all going well). 

The Final App will follow shortly after but we do not yet have all the loose ends tied, but we are close, REALLY CLOSE!

So what name is behind these modern marvels you ask?

Although James Beltz and myself are involved, and a very good friend of mine called Rob, we are steering away from a Phototips or BC Photo branding.

Now we have a brand name also for these apps that really does tell you that your loveable, adorable Photography Spirit Guide of a host is behind this, but the company involved to create them is called..........

I really Think your gonna love what we have created.

Stay tuned to this blog for more info and launch details.

And the website above will inform you of the new products we are working on as we continue to expand our arsenal of product for all you lucky people out there in Internet Land!

The first "New Brand" Apps have their own website also.

The address for this will be revealed on launch, so as I said, Stay Tuned!!